
Carol-Anne from Shambles to Chic gave me the push I needed to get things sorted out in my house. I’m an organised person, I know where eveything is in my home but since having children the amount of stuff we had accumulated was ridiculous…Carol-Anne was brilliant helping me “let go” of stuff. I find I can get very attached to things, things that I never use and were just taking up space in my home. My family and I were literally suffocating. Carol-Anne came over, we looked at the problem areas and we got stuck into it.

She helped me achieve real goals and in 2 short hours we dealt with the ever growing clutter in my room. I could see the floor again and lift the blind up and get fresh air in my room. Carol-Anne is the best. With her by my side I was able to start a job I had been avoiding for so long, and achieve results quickly. I can’t thank you enough Carol-Anne, you gave me the drive to tackle other areas in my home that had been neglected for so long.

I am really grateful to you and your Christmas pack away service. As we were away for the Christmas break, it was such a pleasure to come home to a well organised and de-Christmased home where nothing more needed to be done. I also really appreciate your professionalism and attention to the finer details that made working with you such an enjoyable experience.

Recently while I was going through the crazy Christmas period I asked Carol-Anne to pack away my Christmas tree. I was expecting it to be chucked in the box with coloured bells overflowing, like I had done every year. To my delight my tree was packed away in order of how the tree goes together, and the box looked like it had just got off the supermarket shelf. To finish off Carol-Anne placed the box in this beautiful bag ready for next year. I would trust Carol-Anne with any job in my house – there is nothing she can’t do.
Carly, Cumbalum